
Showing posts from August, 2021

My Learning buffet

 Im interested to learning about real estate, and welding. I want to learn about real estate because I don't want to get screwed when I buy my first house. welding is something I wanted to learn about for some time now. 

A Picture Is Worth A 1000 Words

                                           How to buy a house and not get screwed over.

A Picture Worth A 1000 Words

One of the best skills to know  

Chapter 5 TFS

 casino owners understand the addiction of passing time

Chapter 4 TFS

 There is a opportunity cost for every activity in which you invest your time

Journal Topic 9

 So what is your thought on movie theater prices. Is it worth paying 20 for just a ticket. Then other 20 in just snacks like a popcorn and a drink boom that's 20 there. Then you got candy that's worth 1 but charge you 6. Like I know you got to make money but still that's a bit too much.

Journal Topic 8

 So I really want to go to the beach but what the point if u go by yourself it no fun. I mean it is still a bit fun but not as much as with friends. Do you have friends you do wow that's nice how does it feel. I want some friends but real ones not those fake ones u have.

Jornal Topic 7

How many of you like in and out. In and out is one of the most successful burger shops because it open the lates and they get your food to u pretty quick. Example when ever I pass by it there is always a line  like anytime of the day. And there fries aren't really good the burgers are all right.

Chapter 3 TFS

 You do not have to do anything you do not want to do. When you come to a fork in a road, take it. If you want to be happy for a moment                     have a drink If you want to be happy for a hour                  take a nap If you want to be happy for a day                go fishing If you want to be happy for a month              get married If you want to be happy for a year              inherit some money If you want to be happy for a lifetime                Enjoy your work

Chapter 2 TFS

 One of the quotes that got to me/ didn't understand is by Benjamin Franklin " By Failing to prepare you are preparing to fail".  Other quote that was really good and very accurate is one by Einstein " if you put your hand on a hot stove for a min it will feel like a hour; if you sit next to a pretty girl for an hour, it feel like a min. 


Waiting to learn how to do my own taxes and help me buy a house and not get scammed and help me learn anything that will help me in the real world.

Journal Topic 6

 Am not going to lie I miss school. Like in person I don't get to see my friends and won't be able to make new friend. I mean I made new friends on osla but its not the same because I don't see them like I would in person school. Am not going to lie I am thinking of going back to school but I still not sure. I miss having conversations with people and having fun. And miss getting in trouble with friends at school.

Journal Topic 5

 So t-mobile got hacked and my service is t-mobile and I am a little bit worried they got my information. Who am I kidding I am really worried but hopefully they didn't get it. Now if you are looking for a service provided go with version it is more expensive but worth it. To me t-mobile is pretty slow comped to version and verzion get service where t- mobile doesn't. So short story is don't go with t-mobile go with verzion.

Journal Topic 4

So something happened yesterday. I told my sister to take my car because I had to take her car to get a alignment and once she got home I did my walk around my car and when I say it it hurt me. She curbed my wheels it hurt some much and can you guess what she said she was like and not paying for it. I was like yes you.  

Journal Topic 3

If you drop a bar a soap on the floor is the floor dirty or is it clean. Do people like ice cream a lot. Costco is like toys r us to adults. The way that we see as a adult is very different from a child because as a child they are not stressing over pay-bills, gas, insurance, food.

Journal Topic 2

 Why does the phone store want to sell me a new phone. I mean I get why but when I say no it means no. like am just trying to get it fixed and I know dammm well I don't need a new phone. So do you know that belts are expensive and am not talking about those lv and Gucci ones am talking about the Mexican belts. Like there about 1100 for one belt and you might be like what's so special about them that they cost more then lv. Its because they are made from silver and gold string, real not fake .

Journal Topic 1

 so I don't know what to really write about because a lot of things came to my mind so I just going to write down ever thing. If a vacuum sucks does it suck. Made a few new friends at work. I was called a Karen at work. Why can't kids listen I mean they're like the same ago as me but they act like they're 4. When Will we have brunch I hope soon.  Have you tried dutch bros if not you should because you're missing out. David lives at palm springs like whatttttttt. 



Hello its me again the one and only Jesus. I know you've missed me but am back. The reason I chose the osla is because it was more flexible with my schedule and I actual learn things  that will help me in the future in the real world. last years semester was awesome I made new friends and it learning was actual fun. I don't know what I want to do this year yet I want to do something different from last year.