
Showing posts from October, 2021


  What is communication? Communication is talking, speaking to each other without arguing, exchange information, ways people understand each other, schema, intuitional insights. SCHEMA- Make meaning Noise- distracts

declaration hack

   I was one of the persons that typed an oaky  in our declaration but I had a reason too, You see as i read through our declaration I noticed it was almost perfect I say almost because nothing is perfect but all the input the new  members gave in the declaration was excellent for me it’s like they took the words out of my mouth so I really didn’t want to mess anything.

computer bias

 I met with my OSLA members to discuss computers and if they are racist/biased. We  heard a good amount of input but the one that mostly stood out to me was "that computers are biased and racist" but it’s because we made them that way. You see computers are smarter than humans but at the end of the day we humans are the ones that created them so they will adapt some things from us that being racist or bais, 

Journal topic 30

 why is it raining i mean its a good things but i don't like the rain especially if its in the way of doing fun things like the beach if it rains then its just not as fun as it would be if it wasn't raining.I hope it doesn't rain on sunday because its halloween and there is going to be a event at the dunes but if it rains then no point of going.

Journal topic 29

 So did anyone go to the cruise last friday. I didnt i had work but i was able to cruise with them on my way to work which was cool. But i want to know if anyone actually went to see all the cars the only time in sm we get to have some fun and not get in trouble,

Journal topic 28

cold season is coming finally we didn't have this since 2018 and yes since 2018. 2019, 2020, weren't like this its finally going to be a good year hopefully. 

journal topic 27

what is the difference between a white and Hispanic homeless person. Now when i say my answer i am Not Trying To Be Racist. The difference between those two are if you ask them one simply question. Which is do you want money or a job and the responds is usually for the white person is money and the hispanic is a job. Now i believe this because my whole life i haven't seen a Hispanic on the street corners asking for money they are hustling trying to sell something or are willing to work and the white person usually always says money and i don't understand that.

Journal topic 26

 I cant be the only one that thinks people in sm cant drive well at least a good amount cant. There was about 3 incident in one week. 3 little girls got hit on the way to school. Like really that's just sad. If people actually pay attention it would be nice instead of them being on there phone like really. And can people stop racing and doing donuts in the middle of the street do it somewhere else where there is there are no people or cars so no one can get hurt or just go to the track.

Journal topic 25

  So black friday is coming up and what are your thoughts on it. I feel like its a scam because people think there getting the best deals when in realty you could have got your tv that you want in the begging and not have to wait till black friday because they offer sale and the sale price you see is almost if not the same price you see on black friday and when they increase the value of a product just to look like it has a bigger discount then what it really has.

Journal Topic 24

 Halloween is around the corner are you dressing up. I will not be because i am not going to spend 60 dollars on a costume  am only going to wear for half a day that's just a waste of money. Yes i would rather stay home then go out and get candy for complete strangers. Not saying you shouldn't go but i just don't like to its not my thing and if you told me a couple of years ago i would have said yes.

Journal Topic 23

 So do you think we will be in this pandemic for ever or just a couple more years. I feel like just a couple more years but i would like it to end in a couple of months instead of years but we all know that's not going to happen. I feel like we could just end it but they don't want to because of the money they are getting. I gave up on the thought that if i get it i would die. I am less protect now compared to then in the begging.

Journal Topic 22

 I really cant use the new blogger system because its to advance for me. I mean its that am still not use to it so am really confused and that's why am still using blogger instead of word. I usually get new thing in a couple of days but this is taking a lot longer then usually.