Car Sales Men -Journal topic 27

Why don't car sales men take me serious. Like I get it I look young and I am young but am there for a reason. Am trying to buy a car. My dad needs a new car but gets off of work late some sometimes I go to check it out. And I see the sales men there and they look at men but don't say anything or come up to me. And its like am not going on my bike am in my truck. But when I show up with my dad then its a different story. There  like a hungry pack of wolfs.  And at the end of the day I get it am young but am going there for a reason am not going to be wasting my time or the sales man time. 


  1. That sounds frustrating. Do you feel like the salesmen are judging/profiling you because of the way you look? If so, what if you called ahead, told them what you're looking for and what you're prepared to pay, ask them about inventory, and make an appointment?


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